D1.1 Project Management Plan (PMP)
D1.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan
D1.3 Creation of project sub-pages on beneficiaries’ websites and project leaflets
D1.4 Project Evaluation Report including Dissemination Report
D1.5 Joint Sustainability Plan
D1.6 Deliverable X1 on ‘Overview of foreseen activities to develop synergies with the JA’
D1.7 Deliverable X.2 on ‘Report on first period of activities to build and strengthen synergies with the JA’
D1.8 Deliverable X.3 on ‘Final report on synergies/ sustainability with the JA’
D1.9 Reporting on action-level indicators
D2.1 Participatory Process Methodology
D2.2 Code of Good Practice on Migrants’ and Refugees’ /IDPs Mental Health Assessment (COP-MHA)
D2.3 Code of Good Practice on Migrants’ and Refugees’ /IDPs Mental Health Promotion (COP-MHP)
D2.4 Final Pilot Evaluation
D3.1 Detailed Pilot Reports
D4.1 Recommendations for primary health professionals working with internally displaced people in Ukraine
D4.2 Guidelines on mental health disorders detection and mental health promotion of migrants and refugees for professionals offering essential services (health and social care, education, employment sectors)
D4.3 Recommendations for policy-makers on integration mental health aspects into policy development
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