Methodology development for 

migrants’ and refugees’ mental health

promotion during integration

into a new host environment

Dear Visitors,

Welcome to the MiMIND website!

MiMIND is co-financed by the EU4HEALTH Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101161289 (HaDEA). On this website, we provide detailed information for the project entitled „Methodology development for migrants’ and refugees’ mental health promotion during integration into a new host environment”.

The general objective of the MiMIND project is to promote good mental health and prevention of mental health problems of migrants, refugees and internally displaced people from Ukraine, in order to reduce the burden of mental health problems in the Union, through the methodological support of the integration and essential services (healthcare,  social care, education and employment).


This kick-off event serves as an opportunity for the MiMIND members to be introduced to the project team and define their roles, discuss about the project in detail and gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall goals, deliverables and timeline.

This meeting with the representation of DG SANTE and HaDEA marks the exciting beginning of our collaborative effort to achieve our objectives.

MiMIND kick-off meeting will be on the 21th October 2024 in Budapest.


Duration of MiMIND:

36 months from 02.09.2024

MiMIND involves

4 partners in 4 countries

MiMIND will carry out pilot projects in 3 selected countries

The estimated project costs are: € 729 078 EU contribution is: € 583 262

Some of The Main Results of MiMIND Will Be:

  • Code of Good Practice on Migrants’ and Refugees’ /IDPs Mental Health Assessment
  • Implementation of pilot actions in three countries
  • Recommendations for primary health professionals working with internally displaced people

  • Guidelines on mental health disorders detection and mental health promotion of migrants and refugees for professionals offering essential services (health and social care, education, employment sectors)

  • Recommendations for policy-makers on integration mental health aspects into policy development

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